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Cluster as motor for regional development in Andalusia


European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency




IMP³ROVE, European Clusters Alliance, InPulse Partners SRL, AgriFood Lithuania, Eurada, Intracto, LOW, VDI/VDE

The assignment

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), an European Union initiative, aims to strengthen the European economy through cooperation. The ECCP helps cluster organisations in Europe and beyond to network, communicate, and cooperate because the challenges of the green and digital transitions can be better managed in a network. Prognos, as part of the consortium led by IMP³ROVE, is driving the further development of the platform forward as a single point of contact for cluster organisations in Europe.

Prognos is responsible for work package 3 "Data & Policy", which also includes the creation of input papers for regional workshops. The first Andalusia input paper was published in February 2022, at the pilot event of the new ECCP series "Clusters meet regions" in Malaga, Spain.

Our approach

The "Clusters as drivers of regional development and growth – taking Andalusia as an example" paper presents the cluster ecosystem of Andalusia and provides ideas for the future development of the region. Andalusia's economic profile provides the context for the presentation of clusters in the region and their importance for regional economic development. Another chapter deals with the international cooperation of the Andalusian clusters. Finally, the previous and current economic strategies for Andalusia with its respective priorities will be presented and the role of regional clusters in their implementation will be shown.

Core results

With 21 cluster organisations, Andalusia is one of the most clustered regions in Spain. As in other EU countries, cluster organisations are rather small. They have one to five employees and fewer than 100 members, most of them small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Andalusian clusters are involved in numerous cross-border cooperations with twelve EU Member States. For example, four clusters are members of the very competitive INNOSUP-1 initiative—international cooperation focused on the agricultural and food industry and its digitalisation.

The new regional economic strategy "Smart Specialisation Strategy for Andalusia's Sustainability" for the years 2021 to 2027 comprises five priority areas. The regional clusters can make a significant contribution to the focus on agricultural technology in particular. But the areas of the blue economy, the circular economy, digital transformation, and energy transition will also become more important for the Andalusian clusters in the future.

Links and Downloads

More information on the project

More information on the ECCP (

Project team: Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer, Aneta Sadlik, Marie-Kristin Komendzinski, Dr Georg Klose, Dr Andreas Sachs, Jannis Lambert, Moritz Glettenberg, Hanne Hagedorn, Lennart Galdiga, Romy Kölmel, Johanna Thierstein, Maximilian Welford


Last update: 19 April 2022

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Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer

Partner, Head of EU Services

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