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Evaluation & Expert Assessments

What you need.

You would like to know how effective your organisation or activities are. You ask yourself whether and why your projects have achieved success, what further impacts are associated with them, and how these effects can be further improved or achieved more efficiently.

What we offer.

Our evaluations and expert assessments provide you with a sound basis for valuation and decision-making. We have a broad understanding of different analytical approaches such as theory-based evaluation, contribution analysis, or counter-factual impact analysis. We combine these approaches with our methodical expertise from a wide range of disciplines to carry out appropriate quantitative and qualitative analyses. In doing so, we use different data and information – provided or publicly accessible, but also our own surveys and models. This enables us to answer your questions in a targeted manner.

This gives you a foundation for optimising your organisation or projects. We attach great importance to presenting the results of our evaluation in a clear and understandable way – helping you to communicate and implement your conclusions and recommendations more easily. In our ex-ante, accompanying/formative or ex-post evaluations, we work in accordance with DeGEval standards.

Evaluation & Expert Assessments: A selection of our services

  • Theory-based evaluation and counter-factual impact analyses
  • Evaluation according to the Federal Financial Regulation
  • Law impact assessment and evaluation of laws
  • Profitability analyses – individual and macro-economic analyses, cost-benefit analysis
  • Organisation review and consulting

Our work in this field

Evaluation of the Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings (BEG)

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On behalf of the BMWK, we evaluate the impact of the BEG in the funding period 2021 – 2023 together with ifeu, ITG, and FIW.

Evaluation of the infant nutrition preventive programme

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For the Association of Private Health Insurance, Prognos supports and evaluates the develop-ment of the “Early happiness: Discovering nutrition together” programme.

Monitoring and evaluation of the North Rhine-Westphalian innovation strategy (RIS3)

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As part of ERDF funding 2021-2027, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has developed a regional innovation strategy (RIS3). Prognos is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the strategy.

Evaluierung Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung (KWK) in Deutschland

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Im Rahmen der Energiewende ist auch die Rolle der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung im Wandel. Prognos evaluiert die Entwicklung und erarbeitet Empfehlungen für Förderungen und Gesetzesgrundlagen.

Municipal costs incurred through the reform of the Lower Saxony Equal Opportunities for Disabled Persons Act

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The reform of the Lower Saxony Equal Opportunities for Disabled Persons Act assigned municipalities with new tasks. Prognos determined the incurred costs on behalf of the state’s Social Ministry.

Report on all-day education and childcare services for primary school children

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By the year 2027, Germany will need around 470,000 additional all-day places for primary school-aged children. On behalf of the Family Ministry, we examined how this will be achieved.

Greenhouse gas projections 2024 expert appraisal

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For the Council of Experts on Climate Change we conducted an expert appraisal to review the Federal Environment Agency’s greenhouse gas projection data.

Evaluation des Zentralen Innovationsprogramms Mittelstand (ZIM)

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Das Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) stärkt die Innovationskraft von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. Das zeigt unsere Evaluation für das BMWK.

Reducing emissions in primary industry

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Primary industry will have to achieve massive reductions in CO2 output by 2045. The Office of Technology Assessment commissioned Prognos with demonstrating the opportunities for a successful transformation.

A more sustainable working environment

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For the working environment to become more sustainable, knowledge and raising awareness are key. Funding programmes such as the BBNE could help with this. Prognos conducted an apprais-al of the programme.

Evaluation of the Kultusministerkonferenz

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Prognos analysed tasks, structures and processes on behalf of the Kultusministerkonferenz – the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK). The evaluation recommended the fundamental development of the KMK.

Evaluation of Eurostars-2, the European SME support programme

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On behalf of the EU Commission, Prognos and its partners examined the Eurostars-2 SME fund-ing programme as part of the evaluation study of the European Framework Programmes Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.

Careers guidance evaluation

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What makes good careers guidance? Prognos evaluated careers guidance measures in Brandenburg over three years.

Evaluation of the “Photonics Research Germany” programme

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Photonics is considered a key technology. The programme promotes research in this area and facilitates stakeholder networking. We evaluated the programme on behalf of the BMBF.

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About us

Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

Learn more