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Sustainability Consulting

Combining our expertise in the Centre Sustainability

What you need.

What does sustainability mean for your company? When it comes to companies’ sustainability management, the regulatory requirements and expectations of all stakeholders are rapidly increasing. Greenwashing no longer fits the bill.

Companies are required to understand the impact their business model has on society and the environment, to report on this and to take appropriate action. Sustainability is set to become part of your business strategy.

What we offer.

Holistic sustainability consulting – analytically founded and individually tailored. Apart from ensuring you fulfil all regulatory requirements we are here to guide you through making sustainability an integral part of your company. Our objective: to link field-specific expertise with business thinking and to communicate this in a target-oriented way.

We create a fact-based foundation to strategically align your business with a sustainable future. Our Centre Sustainability is made up of experts from various fields. The team is looking forward to working with you to develop sustainability solutions for your company.

Sustainability Consulting: A selection of our services

Sustainability regulations

We guide you through regulatory issues and support you in establishing sustainability within your organisational processes. Our consultancy services range from the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD/ESRS), EU taxonomy, the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG/CSDDD), the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), to the Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) as well as the EU Packaging Directive and the Batteries Regulation.

In the CSRD context we guide you through your individual double materiality analysis and support you in establishing sustainability in your organisational processes, setting up sustainability data collection and preparing you for inspection-compliant sustainability reporting.

CSRD white paper (PDF in German)

Materiality Analysis white paper (PDF in German)

Sustainable Governance white paper (PDF in German)

Data management & reporting white paper (PDF in German)

Sustainability strategies

We work with you to develop a strategic sustainability agenda. Based on a materiality analysis, together with you, we define the central cornerstones of your strategy and identify your development potential using a gap analysis. Individual goals and measures as well as a governance, stakeholder and communication concept all ensure a target-oriented implementation and positioning. Strategy consulting can look at the whole picture or be focused on specifically selected topics (e. g., climate, resources, biodiversity, or circular economy strategies).

One aspect of our consultancy work is impact analysis, the identification of the ecological, societal and economic effects of products and companies. Our Prognos model enables us to measure the environmental impacts and socio-economic effects of your value creation stages and then monetise them, rendering your company’s impact strategically visible and usable.

Sustainability strategies white paper (PDF in German)

Climate management focus

Our consulting work sets climate protection as well as climate mitigation in its sights. We have a holistic understanding of climate management and develop systems and processes that equip you to reduce and minimise climate related risks in the long term. For this purpose, we assist you  with carbon assessments, and putting scientifically based reduction pathways and measures in place to reduce emissions, on the way to achieving net zero. 

Using climate risk analyses and climate induced scenarios we minimise your financial risks making your company fit for the future. We conduct scientifically based analyses on your assets and develop adaptation measures as well as climate mitigation strategies to ensure a resilient business model.

Supply chain management focus

Supply chains are often vulnerable from an ecological, societal and economic point of view. We guide you through getting to grips with your supply chain, identifying risks and shaping your supply chain to be resistant. With our tool box for sustainability risks we take a close look at your entire value-added chain. This enables you to address the increasing demands made by regulations and stakeholders. Our analyses facilitate the development of individual raw material and resource strategies and the implementation of supply chain management.

Who trusts us: A selection of our partners and clients

Logo EnBW
Logo Holtzbrinck Publishing Group
Logo RAG Stiftung
Logo TSR
Logo Yello
Logo Consust
Logo Planted
Logo Value

Our work in this field

Web tool: Risk analysis for sustainable supply chains

| Project

Prognos develops a tool for an industry association that enables member companies to carry out risk analyses to identify sustainability risks in countries and sectors.

Supervision of sustainability reporting in accordance with the CSRD

| Project

We offered guidance to a group from the publishing industry setting up sustainability reporting that complies with the Corporate Social Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Economic impact analysis for selected SDGs

| Project

A foundation group commissioned us to use KPIs to visualise the impact of its activities within identified focus SDGs.

Regulatory check for sales products in the energy industry

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Prognos supported an energy supplier with integrating sustainability requirements into the sales department’s product decision process.

Development of a group-wide raw materials strategy

| Project

Our retail industry client commissioned us to develop a group-wide raw materials concept. We assisted the company from conception stage right through to the launch of the interactive web tool.

Regulatory requirements for carbon accounting

| Project

Which carbon accounting requirements will businesses have to be aware of in the future and what, specifically, will present the greatest challenge?

Guidelines: With Sustainable Governance to successful sustainability reporting

| Project

We have produced guidelines for successful sustainability reporting in accordance with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive for an industry association. The second guide is dedicated to the topic of "Sustainability Governance".

Guideline: Data management for successful sustainability reporting

| Project

We have produced guidelines for successful sustainability reporting in accordance with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive for an industry association. The third guide deals with data management in accordance with the CSRD.

Leitfaden für die CSRD-konforme Wesentlichkeitsanalyse

| Project

Ein Industrieverband beauftragte uns, eine Handreichung zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung der Wesentlichkeitsanalyse nach der neuen europäischen Richtlinie CSRD für seine Mitgliedsunternehmen zu erstellen.

CO2-Amortisation von Photovoltaikmodulen und Speichern

| Project

Die Produktpalette eines Energieunternehmens wurde in Bezug auf verschiedene Nachhaltigkeitskriterien und insbesondere der Klimawirkung analysiert und deren CO2-Amortisation berechnet.

Comparison of GHG emissions from the use of primary and recycled raw materials for the production of metals

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What are the strategic advantages of using recycled raw materials over primary raw materials for the three metals steel, aluminium and copper in terms of climate management? We have demonstrated this for a recycling company by means of product-specific GHG balancing.

Sustainability screening along the upstream value chain

| Project

For a large financial sector company, we identified sustainability hotspots at country level along its upstream value chain.

Strategic sustainability agenda in the energy industry

| Project

An energy industry group commissioned us to develop a strategic, holistic sustainability agenda with lighthouse projects.

Impact indicators for a chemical company

| Project

For a large company in the chemical industry, we determined key indicators for measuring the economic impact of the company – globally, and along the entire upstream value chain.

Feel free to contact us.

Myrna Sandhövel

Head of Center Sustainability

+49 89 95 41 586-718

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About us

Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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