What you need. Experienced advice on stakeholder participation and acceptance communication, where your challenges are part of individual solutions. A professional partnership that successfully guides your project on infrastructure development, energy transition or the accompaniment of societal transformation processes to its goal with expertise and empathy. What we offer. A process-accompanying link between you and your stakeholders, for whom efficient project management is a matter of course. An organisationally strong team that steers you in communi-cating with different target groups and shapes the operational and conceptual change. We steer ...your project and dialogue. Find out more We steer ...your project and dialogue proactively, keeping a close eye on work progress, quality, and target achievement. We mediate ...between different interest groups. Find out more We mediate ...between different interest groups by initiating communication processes early on, defining scope for action, and creating room for compromise. We advise strategically ...by anticipating trends and moods. Find out more We advise strategically ...by anticipating trends, moods, and conflicts, by taking the perspectives of different stakeholders, and thinking outside the box. We make complex things understandable ...through appropriate and coherent language. Find out more We make complex things understandable ...through appropriate and coherent language – from legal paragraph jungle to technical explanatory report. We take responsibility ...and support you as an “extension of the workbench”. Find out more We take responsibility ...and support you in your daily project work as an “extension of the workbench”. In us, you will find a reliable sparring partner, confident in numerous topics and specialist areas. We drive innovation ...and tackle future issues. Find out more We drive innovation ...and tackle future issues with ideas, creativity, and the right balance. Planning & dialogue: A selection of our services Strategic communication consulting Cross-media communication strategies Crisis communication concepts Evaluation of communication measures Communication management Project management Resource planning Process control Budget control PR and outreach Conception and production of information and PR materials, such as: Website Blog Newsletter Brochures, flyers, banners, etc. Social media and community management Press work Monitoring and analyses Project-specific media observation and evaluation Monitoring and issues management for public debates in the project space Environmental and region-specific analyses Stakeholder mapping and analyses Development of communicative and strategic recommendations for action Stakeholder participation Conception, organisation, and moderation of events Target-group specific action taking different formats (small and large groups, ana-logue/digital, indoor/outdoor, info stand/markets, workshops, etc.) Our work in this field Im Dialog – Stromnetzausbau in Deutschland 2023 | Project Prognos unterstützt Übertragungs- und Verteilnetzbetreiber in der Planungs- und Baukommunikation der verschiedenen Leitungsbauvorhaben auf der Höchst- und Hochspannungsebene. Read more ADAC Mobility Index ongoing | Project Transport demand is continuing to rise and there are various causes for this. But how can the consequences be managed and mobility be made sustainable? A science- and data-based as-sessment method. Read more Technologie- & Innovationszentrum für Wasserstoff 2021 | Project Das BMDV will ein Innovations- und Technologiezentrum für Wasserstoff fördern. Prognos und seine Partner bewerten die Konzepte vier deutscher Regionen und untersuchen die Machbarkeit. Read more Electricity grid expansion makes headway 2020 | Project For over 15 years now Prognos has been bringing together the actors concerned by the expansion of the electricity grid and facilitating dialogue between them – from the Danish to the Swiss bor-der. Read more Stakeholder participation in the German Climate Action Plan 2050 2018 | Project Prognos examined which elements of stakeholder participation had a supportive or inhibitory effect on the process or how the interaction between the Federal Government and participants impacted the process. Read more Feel free to contact us. Axel Bohn Vice Director, Head of Planning & Dialogue +49 211 91 316 132 axel.bohn@prognos.com Go to profile Your name Phone Email address Ich suche Unterstützung im Bereich Strategische Kommunikationsberatung Kommunikationsmanagement PR & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Monitoring und Analysen Stakeholderbeteiligung Individuelles Anliegen Data protection notice Yes, I consent to Prognos processing the personal data I have provided above in order to best address the request I have made. I can revoke my consent at any time with effect for the future by sending an e-mail to info@prognos.com. You can find further information in our data protection declaration. About us Prognos – Providing Orientation. Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound. Learn more