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Cluster meets Regions workshop: Baltic region clusters


On the 26th and 27th of April, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) is organising the second "Cluster meets Regions" workshop. On this occasion, the event will be staged in Vilnius, Lithuania. The workshop, titled "Baltic region clusters: eliminating risks, creating resilience, and strengthening local and European value chains in the face of geopolitical challenges", is organised by the ECCP in collaboration with the Region of Lithuania, AgriFood Lithuania DIH, Lithuanian Food Exporters Association and the European Commission.

This second workshop will focus on the value of supply chains for regional development and growth, as well as the contributions clusters can make in shaping and implementing the Smart Specialisation Strategy within the Baltic regions. The agenda will include interventions and debates on policies and other instruments by both policymakers and private sector representatives alike.

The event will be opened by Thierry Breton, Commissioner of the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG Grow).

Following the workshop, a hybrid matchmaking event will be held on the 27th of April. This event is designed to strengthen networks and promote businesses, clusters and institutions from Lithuania and the Baltic Region to cooperate with other European organisations.

As part of a consortium led by IMP³ROVE, Prognos is developing the European Cluster Collaboration Platform into the central contact point for cluster organisations in Europe.

More information (, englisch)

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