Datum 2023-02-09 Location The Hague From 6 to 11 February 2023, the Netherlands will be dedicated to the circular economy. As part of the Circular Economy Week (Week van de Circulaire Economie), activities and events on the topic will take place at various locations in the Netherlands. Among other things, companies will present good practice examples of circular business models and interested parties will receive concrete tools to get started in the circular economy themselves. On 9 February, Greta Dekker will lead an interactive workshop as part of our work for the Green Economy Network (KNUW). She will present the work of KNUW, talk about circular business models and invite participants to play the strategic learning game “ScenCi Game”. The ScenCi Game is a multiplayer scenario game developed based on the experience of the virtual circular economy tour across Europe. The game enables the players to: learn about existing circular economy business models to explore how different circular enterprises interact with their value chains simulate how these value chains function under different scenarios The workshop will take place in The Hague from 3pm to 5pm in English and is suitable for entrepreneurs who want to learn more about circular value chains as well as all other stakeholders with an interest in the circular economy. More information including registration can be found on rvo.nl (in Dutch). To the workshop All information about the Dutch Circular Economy Week can be found on the event page (in Dutch). To the Circular Economy Week Background information: The Green Economy Network was initiated by the Ministry of the Environment NRW in 2017 and has since been managed by Prognos – since 2020 with partners VDI TZ and INZIN. More information on the KNUW (in German) Do you have questions? Your contact at Prognos Greta Dekker Project Manager View profile About us Prognos – Providing Orientation. Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound. Learn more