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Tuesday, 2019-01-1 | Project

Prognos Zukunftsatlas® 2019

How well equipped are Germany's districts and cities for the future? Who is ahead in the ranking, who needs to catch up? The Prognos Zukunftsatlas 2019 provides answers (in German).

Tuesday, 2019-01-1 | Project

The change of long-term care

Prognos examined approaches to the further development of care professions and the prospects for the financing of the social long-term care insurance (SPV) up to the year 2050.

Monday, 2018-10-1 | Project

Germany Report 2025|2035|2045

Germany will become more global, more digital, greener and older in the next 30 years. This is shown by Prognos Deutschland Report from 2018/2019.