Contact E-MAIL Phone +49 30 5200 59 225 Address Goethestraße 85 | 10623 Berlin Marco Wünsch is an industrial engineer working on the future of the energy supply system. Against the background of the necessary decarbonisation of the energy system, he uses model-based approaches to find possible solutions for the future generation and use of electricity and heat. In recent years, he has focused on questions concerning the development of combined heat and power in Germany and Europe. Topics Marco Wünsch deals with the following topics: Power & Renewables Expanding renewable energies is crucial to achieve the climate targets. The backbone of the energy system transformation: the electricity system. Read more About us Prognos – Providing Orientation. Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound. Learn more