The transformation to a green economy focuses on three key issues in the environmental economy – climate change, the resource transition, and the mobility and space transition. In cooperation with Prognos, the Kompetenznetzwerk Umweltwirtschaft.NRW (KNUW) has now published the Innovation Radar for the Mobility and Space Transition – following the previously published Innovation Radar for the Resource Transition (2021) and the Innovation Radar for the Climate Transition (2022). It presents a selection of innovative technologies and processes in connection with the mobility and spatial transition in and from North Rhine-Westphalia. The innovation radar will serve as a platform for dialogue, bringing together actors from different disciplines and thus strengthening the green economy location in NRW. Central growth hub of the mobility and spatial transition The topics of mobility and spatial planning are closely linked. Thus, a joint consideration in an innovation radar follows a comprehensive approach. The responsible handling of scarce space and the different challenges of urban and rural areas are central questions of both transition topics. Environmentally friendly mobility is the second largest sub-market of the environmental economy in NRW. In this domain, NRW can produce innovative technologies, processes, and concepts, which the innovation radar clustered under the following growth hub: Use-oriented cycling and walking Connected mobility in the city and the countryside Environmentally friendly logistics The spatial transition addresses the responsible use of natural resources such as land, water, agricultural and forestry production, and ecosystem services. In this context, the growth hub will be: Holistic conversion of urban spaces Housing development for mobility and resource protection Data innovations of the use of space innovative projects, concepts, and technologies from NRW The innovation radar does not claim to be comprehensive but is a vibrant collection of important innovations in NRW. It is to be continued in an agile, online format and is to grow steadily. Methodological approach The innovation radar was compiled in a multi-stage process: Analysis of publication databases, funding programmes, and existing networks Quantitative analysis using the Prognos Web Intelligence Tool Evaluation of the results according to their ecological, economic, and social transformational power (in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals) and review with regard to their relevance for NRW Intensive dialogue process with innovation carriers based on the results of the previous analyses The result is contributions from 44 innovation carriers in the form of 30 profiles, eleven information boxes, and two interviews, all spread across the six identified growth hub. To the innovation radar (KNUW website in German) More about our work at KNUW Project team: Marieke Eckhardt, Romy Kölmel, Dr Deniz Ertin, Katharina Wilkskamp, Ferdinand-Moritz Lube Last update: 25.05.2023 Do you have questions? Your contact at Prognos Dr Deniz Ertin Project Manager View profile Marieke Eckhardt Project Manager View profile