Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)
Goerg lawyers, Haas Engineering, EY Law
In June 2021, Prognos was commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) to investigate the feasibility of an innovation and technology centre for hydrogen (ITZ). An innovation centre of this nature and the corresponding technology should provide a development, certification, and standardisation body that due to the early market phase and the high costs involved, cannot be implemented without public sector financial support.
The ITZ focuses on strengthening the competitiveness of start-ups, founders, and small and medium-sized enterprises. This is intended to close the gap with comparable innovation institutions in Asia (including China and Japan) and North America. A centre such as this is addressed in measure 10 of the National Hydrogen Strategy and will be put into practice accordingly.
In order to promote the use of hydrogen for mobility and transport, the BMDV wants to promote technology like this and innovation centres for hydrogen technologies and thus launched a competition procedure for suitable locations in November 2020. Application concepts from various German regions were submitted in an open and transparent competition. The results of this process were the locations of Chemnitz, Duisburg, Pfeffenhausen, and a cluster in Northern Germany consisting of several locations (Bremen/Bremerhaven, Hamburg, Stade). These locations were tested, evaluated, and developed with regard to their feasibility, implementability, and added value. In the second phase, a feasibility concept for the ITZ is to be presented in more detail by Prognos, on the basis of which the implementation will be decided.
The project runs until March 2022.
More about our work on hydrogen (in German)
Jens Hobohm, Marion Neumann, Marcel Hölterhoff, Jutta Struwe
Partner, Director
Project Manager
Prognos is preparing a scenario analysis for dena and the BMWK to calculate the demand for and potential of negative emissions in Germany.
Prognos and its partners support the preparation of the German government's 2025 to 2027 greenhouse gas projection reports.
Prognos supported an energy supplier with integrating sustainability requirements into the sales department’s product decision process.
On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, we calculated the investments that will be required to restructure capital stock in the course of the envisaged net zero transition.
On behalf of the WWF Germany, using 32 case studies, we calculated the cost effectiveness of refurbishment measures for detached houses and apartment buildings.
Which carbon accounting requirements will businesses have to be aware of in the future and what, specifically, will present the greatest challenge?
For the Council of Experts on Climate Change we conducted an expert appraisal to review the Federal Environment Agency’s greenhouse gas projection data.
Primary industry will have to achieve massive reductions in CO2 output by 2045. The Office of Technology Assessment commissioned Prognos with demonstrating the opportunities for a successful transformation.
What level of investment will be required to ensure a climate-neutral transport sector by 2045? We calculated this on behalf of Agora Verkehrswende, based on three scenarios.
Energy consumption for industry, buildings and transport has remained relatively stable for the last 20 years. A study for the German Industry Initiative for Energy Efficiency (DENEFF) shows how policy can use efficiency measures to counteract this stagnation.
Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.