Energy efficiency analysis of electrical appliances
Energy Agency for Electrical Appliances (eae)
On behalf of the Energy Agency for Electrical Appliances (eae), an initiative of the electrical industry associations, Prognos annually examines the development of the efficiency of newly sold electrical appliances and the appliance stock in Switzerland. The efficiency analysis is intended to shed light on the impact of changes in purchasing behaviours and supply on the energy consumption of electrical appliances in Switzerland.
The analysis includes both “white goods” such as refrigerators, freezers, and washing machines, as well as various information and communication equipment items, including computers, monitors, and routers. In addition to efficiency development and appliance sales, the team also considers the development of equipment size (e. g., diagonal screen measurement, cooling volume).
Prognos’ evaluations serve as the basis for the annual eae report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (BFE) and are incorporated into the EnergieSchweiz programme’s planning of measures.
For the purpose of the annual analysis, the project team uses data collected by the FEA and SWICO industry associations as well as eae data. On the basis of these annual surveys of appliances sold by category and energy efficiency class, as well as assumptions about the lifetime of the appliances, the team uses cohort models to calculate the energy consumption of the device and appliance stock. The development of energy consumption can thus be determined continuously to a high level of detail. Comparisons with previous years – both in terms of new devices and appliances sold and the energy consumption of the equipment stock – make it possible to assess efficiency progress.
Download all editions (webseite BFE, in German)
Project team: Mohammad Alkasabreh, Dr Andreas Kemmler, Minh Phuong Vu
Last update: 27.02.2024
Senior Project Manager
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Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.