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Future Family Report 2030


Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)



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If an accelerated family policy can succeed in meeting the wishes of mothers and fathers for a partnership-based division of family and work, the socio-economic situation of families will improve significantly in 2030.

The household income of families can rise by an average of 1,400 euros. The number of parents and children in danger of poverty could decrease by around 470,000 people. The number of people in households eligible for SGB-II unemployment benefits can even sink by around 670,000 people. By 2030, around 790,000 more mothers can be in employment and making social security contributions.

The expert report, which looks at different scenarios, shows: an advanced family policy has a positive impact on the economy as a whole. The increase in the employment rate and employment scope leads to an increase in the
work volume by 3.2 percent points. In the opportunity scenario, this leads to a noticeable increase in gross domestic product by 2030 to the measure of around 70 billion euros.

The scenarios examined are based on the life wishes and goals of mothers and fathers as well as the key trends of the past ten years. These are shown by the figures of the Allensbach Institute for Demoscopy, who Prognos worked with for this study.

Family policy initiatives can be drivers of prosperity and growth

The Future Report provides an orientation framework for policy action because it outlines opportunities, challenges, and options. It underlines the significance of the role of family policy and recommends setting a course to exploit opportunities:

Due to high expectations in the areas of family and work and also the partially rigid framework conditions, parents are more likely to feel under time pressure. Statutory and collective agreements that allow parents flexible working hours would be a suitable way of giving mothers and fathers more time with their families. These agreements should be supplemented by a government subsidy to compensate for the resulting loss of income.

About one third of families will continue to live in cohabitations or as single parents. Family policy should thus consider these realities and take their efficiency in the tax system into account. How families are taxed should also be reconsidered in light of the trend toward partnership – more partnership means that in increasing numbers of families partner’s incomes are closer together and this requires evolved, modern tax regulations. These are just two of many options that the report highlights.


The Future Family Report 2030 was compiled by Prognos in cooperation with the Institute for Demoscopy Allensbach in the context of the Competence Office for Effective Family Policy.

The Competence Office for Effective Family Policy works on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and provides scientific support and accompanying demoscopic research on the current issues of family policy.

The study (PDF, in German)

Project team: Andreas Heimer, Dr David Juncke, Jan Braukmann, Tilmann Knittel, Dr Stephan Moog, Malte Ristau, Dr Wilhelm Haumann (IFD Allensbach)

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Your contact at Prognos

Andreas Heimer

Partner, Director

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Dr David Juncke

Partner, Head of Family Policy

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Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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