Topic Economy & Labour Macroeconomics Work & Skilled Labour Cohesion Policy (De-)Globalisation Green Economy & Circular Economy Society & State Family Affairs, Children & Youth Health, Care & Inclusion Education Social Protection Organisational Consulting for the Public Sector Climate & Energy Energy System & Climate Protection Power & Renewables Heat & Energy Efficiency Fuels & CO2 Climate Adaptation Regions & Infrastructures Location & Real Estate Development Smart City & Smart Region Networks Recycling Economy & Resources Mobility & Transport Innovation & Digitalisation Research & Innovation Future Technologies & Digitalisation Cultur & Creative Industries EU Project Corporate Project Kategorie Project update Insight into everyday work Expertise Company news New project Project conclusion Year 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ongoing Tuesday, 2023-08-29 | Project conclusion Internationalisation of the Baden-Württemberg environmental technology sector What are the biggest sales opportunities? How can the location gain visibility worldwide? Further development of the strategic foundations. more Monday, 2023-08-28 | New project This is how the European Green Deal can be implemented How can structurally weak regions make the transition to a carbon-free and resilient Europe? Prognos supports the Cohesions for Transitions platform with, amongst other things, the establishment of a scientific forum. more Tuesday, 2023-08-22 | Project conclusion Increased gas costs have an impact on returns The introduced gas price brake is designed to relieve the burden. However, Bavarian companies point out the practical obstacles to claiming the financial aid. more Thursday, 2023-08-3 | Project conclusion Ecological footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Germany On behalf of the Association of Research-based Pharmaceutical Companies (vfa) we determined the global ecological footprint of Germany’s pharmaceutical industry. more Monday, 2023-07-31 | Project conclusion Effects of deglobalisation on Germany and Europe Increasing geopolitical tensions lead to more economic protectionism. Prognos outlines possible scenarios for a deglobalised world economy - and illustrates their consequences for the German and European economies. more Wednesday, 2023-07-26 | New project Evaluation of the Eurostars-2 funding programme Eurostars supports cross-border research cooperation of SMEs in Europe. On behalf of the BMBF, Prognos analyses the effectiveness of the Eurostars-2 programme at national level. more Wednesday, 2023-07-26 | New project Securing talent with the help of the Harnessing Talent Platform The EU does not lack talent; it just needs to nurture it. The new platform is designed to provide information and promote consultation for severely affected regions. more Wednesday, 2023-07-19 | Project conclusion Volatility on the electricity markets is growing In the medium and long term, average wholesale electricity prices are above the 2019/2020 level. Our updated scenarios for the vbw. more Thursday, 2023-07-13 | Expertise High electricity prices in the EU Sven Kreidelmeyer writes in the Swiss magazine "Die Volkswirtschaft" about current developments in the European electricity sector and the EU's reaction to high electricity prices. read news Wednesday, 2023-07-12 | Project update Merging ERDF and Cohesion Fund data at EU level A database for all co-financed projects in the EU in 2014-2020. This is the result of a study for the European Commission. more Pagination First page « Erste Previous page ‹‹ Previous … Page 9 Page 10 Current page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 … Next page Next ›› Last page Letzte »
Tuesday, 2023-08-29 | Project conclusion Internationalisation of the Baden-Württemberg environmental technology sector What are the biggest sales opportunities? How can the location gain visibility worldwide? Further development of the strategic foundations. more
Monday, 2023-08-28 | New project This is how the European Green Deal can be implemented How can structurally weak regions make the transition to a carbon-free and resilient Europe? Prognos supports the Cohesions for Transitions platform with, amongst other things, the establishment of a scientific forum. more
Tuesday, 2023-08-22 | Project conclusion Increased gas costs have an impact on returns The introduced gas price brake is designed to relieve the burden. However, Bavarian companies point out the practical obstacles to claiming the financial aid. more
Thursday, 2023-08-3 | Project conclusion Ecological footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Germany On behalf of the Association of Research-based Pharmaceutical Companies (vfa) we determined the global ecological footprint of Germany’s pharmaceutical industry. more
Monday, 2023-07-31 | Project conclusion Effects of deglobalisation on Germany and Europe Increasing geopolitical tensions lead to more economic protectionism. Prognos outlines possible scenarios for a deglobalised world economy - and illustrates their consequences for the German and European economies. more
Wednesday, 2023-07-26 | New project Evaluation of the Eurostars-2 funding programme Eurostars supports cross-border research cooperation of SMEs in Europe. On behalf of the BMBF, Prognos analyses the effectiveness of the Eurostars-2 programme at national level. more
Wednesday, 2023-07-26 | New project Securing talent with the help of the Harnessing Talent Platform The EU does not lack talent; it just needs to nurture it. The new platform is designed to provide information and promote consultation for severely affected regions. more
Wednesday, 2023-07-19 | Project conclusion Volatility on the electricity markets is growing In the medium and long term, average wholesale electricity prices are above the 2019/2020 level. Our updated scenarios for the vbw. more
Thursday, 2023-07-13 | Expertise High electricity prices in the EU Sven Kreidelmeyer writes in the Swiss magazine "Die Volkswirtschaft" about current developments in the European electricity sector and the EU's reaction to high electricity prices. read news
Wednesday, 2023-07-12 | Project update Merging ERDF and Cohesion Fund data at EU level A database for all co-financed projects in the EU in 2014-2020. This is the result of a study for the European Commission. more