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Monday, 2023-11-6 | Project conclusion

The potential of smart specialisation strategies

In collaboration with Prof. Dominique Foray, Prognos compiled a policy brief identifying the potential of smart specialisation strategies for driving forward structural transformation.

Thursday, 2023-11-2 | Project conclusion

Roadmap for thermal waste treatment in Austria

Against the backdrop of the ever-increasing demand for recycled raw materials, the recycling of waste is becoming increasingly important. In this context, Wien Energie AG addressed the ques-tion of the role of thermal waste treatment in the circular economy.

Wednesday, 2023-11-1 | Project update

Analyses of Swiss energy use

On behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), we conduct an annual analysis of the development of energy consumption in Switzerland.

Wednesday, 2023-11-1 | Project conclusion

Communication support for the building of the 380 kV West Coast Line

The extension of the energy network lays the foundation for the energy transition. Since 2019, Prognos has been supporting transmission system operator TenneT TSO GmbH with their project communication concerning the establishment of the new West Coast transmission line in Schleswig-Holstein.

Tuesday, 2023-10-24 | Project conclusion

Electricity and gas: European industry has higher costs

European industry businesses pay more for their energy than elsewhere, according to an international comparison. Why this is the case and whether it will change are shown in our study for the vbw.