Latest news

What's new at Prognos? Here you can find the latest news about our studies, projects, topics and us as a company.

Tuesday, 2021-06-22 | Project

Digital Higher Education

Prognos AG has been evaluating the BMBF's funding activities in the research field of "Digital Higher Education" since the end of 2020.

Friday, 2021-06-11 | Project

Technical CO2 sinks

To achieve climate neutrality, CO2 must be removed from the atmosphere. Prognos prepared an expert report on technical CO2 sinks for dena.

Friday, 2021-06-11 | Project

Energy strategy Brandenburg 2040

Prognos evaluated the State of Brandenburg’s Energy Strategy 2030. On this basis, a lead scenario was drawn up for the energy supply of Brandenburg up to the year 2040.

Tuesday, 2021-06-8 | Project

Services for families in Germany

Family education and family counselling facilities in Germany have a wide reach and support people in different social situations. This is shown in a study for the BMFSFJ.

Wednesday, 2021-06-2 | Project

Energy Efficiency Roadmap 2045

Climate neutrality can only be achieved through higher energy efficiency. The German govern-ment's “Energy Efficiency Roadmap 2050” dialogue forum prepares concrete measures.

Wednesday, 2021-05-19 | Project

40+x? Social contributions in focus

Due to demographic aging in Germany, social security contributions will rise to 46% by 2040. These were the findings of our calculations for the INSM.

Monday, 2021-05-10 | Project update

Digital State trend report

Since 2016, Prognos’ management consulting team has been helping compile the Digital State trend report in cooperation with Behörden Spiegel. Each year the report is devoted to another forward-looking trend topic for public administration.