Digital State trend report
Behörden Spiegel
Digital transformation will radically change public administration in the coming years. The Digital State trend report highlights arising technological and organisational challenges and the measures that can be used to help ensure successful digitalisation for administration.
Every year at the congress of the same name, Prognos and Behörden Spiegel take a look at the future topic of digital transformation in Germany via the trend report.
For this purpose, the Prognos experts hold extensive discussions with representatives from administration, science, and business. Each trend report includes numerous best practice examples to illustrate the suggested solutions and recommendations for action.
Where does Germany stand on its path to digital administration? The Trendreport 2024 gives an update and recommendations for the digitalisation of the public administration system.
Wie kann sich die öffentliche Verwaltung resilient aufstellen? Welche Lehren lassen sich aus vergangenen Krisen ziehen? Der Trendreport Digitaler Staat 2023 liefert Antworten.
Welche Strukturen und Verantwortlichkeiten haben sich in den Kommunen herausgebildet, um die digitale Transformation zu gestalten? Der Trendreport liefert eine Gesamtschau.
Removing hurdles – innovative, pragmatic, hands-on. The report presents innovative solutions for digital management.
Der Trendreport 2020 „Auf Wissen bauen – mit systematischem Wissensmanagement zur digitalen Verwaltung“ gibt Orientierung für die Digitalisierung im öffentlichen Sektor.
Unter der Überschrift „Digitalisierung der Verwaltung: ein Hürdenlauf“ nennt der Trendreport sieben Gründe für Erfolg und Scheitern der Digitalisierung in der öffentlichen Verwaltung.
Eine digitale Agenda und Denken jenseits von Abteilungsgrenzen: Damit die Digitalisierung der Verwaltung bis 2030 gelingt, muss sich einiges ändern. Das zeigt der Trendreport Digitaler Staat 2018.
Der Trendreport wirft einen Blick in die Zukunft der digitalen Verwaltung. In drei Szenarien zeigt er mögliche Entwicklungspfade auf und internationale Best-Practices auf.
Wie wird das Regierungs- und Verwaltungshandeln in Deutschland künftig aussehen? Was sind die Trends und Weichenstellungen? Regieren und Verwalten in Deutschland im Jahr 2030.
Senior Project Manager
On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Prognos and partner analysed the economic and social situation of self-employed solo artists in creative professions.
Removing barriers and preventing discrimination: Thuringia’s Equality and Inclusion Act enforces these very things. We examine how it is being implemented and its effectiveness.
Higher numbers of care-dependent persons and increasing costs - our aging population is putting long-term care insurance to the test. A new analysis shows what the future financial require-ments will be.
Employees want tailor-made reconciliation measures that ensure work-life balance and not to face professional disadvantage as a result of their care work. These were the findings of our study for the BMFSFJ.
In his guest article "Move Europe - it's urgent!" in WirtschaftsWoche, Christian Böllhoff calls for Europe to reposition itself geo-economically in order to strengthen its position between the economic giants USA and China.
A foundation group commissioned us to use KPIs to visualise the impact of its activities within identified focus SDGs.
The Harnessing Talent Platform supports selected regions within the EU that are particularly affected by demographic change and the brain drain. The technical support that Prognos is providing in some regions has now been launched with kick-off meetings.
On behalf of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia’s Ministry for Children- Refugees and Integration, Prognos evaluated the changes resulting from the amended Children's Education Act (KiBiz).
Creatives in the countryside? As scientific partner in the model project KreativLand Baden-Württemberg, Prognos examined the status quo, the opportunities and the challenges facing creatives living and working outside of the urban centres and regions.
The Bildungsketten Initiative’s goal is to support coordinated action by the Federal and State governments at the most important interfaces of the educational process. Prognos evaluates the initiative on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.